5 Main Window¶
The only fixed UI elements in ngscopeclient are the main menu and toolbar at the top of the window. All remaining space may be filled with waveform plots, properties dialogs, protocol analyzers, and other dockable windows as required for a given experimental setup. This flexibility allows almost the entire screen to be dedicated to waveform views, or more space allocated to controls and protocol decodes.
5.2 Toolbar¶
This section is outdated and needs to be revised for ngscopeclient.
The toolbar contains buttons and controls for the most frequently used actions.
5.2.2 History¶
The history button (Fig. 5.3) toggles display of the waveform history view.
5.2.3 Refresh Settings¶
In order to improve performance, ngscopeclient caches many instrument settings locally rather than constantly querying the instrument for the current timebase, trigger configuration, etc. If settings are changed via the instrument front panel while ngscopeclient is running, ngscopeclient may not be aware of these changes.
The Refresh Settings button (Fig. 5.4) clears all cached instrument configuration and updates ngscopeclient with the current instrument settings. For most “headless” instruments, such as Pico Technology devices, this button has no effect.
5.2.4 Clear Sweeps¶
The Clear Sweeps button (Fig. 5.5) clears all persistence waveforms, accumulated eye pattern / waterfall data, and statistics. Waveforms saved in history are not deleted.
5.2.5 Fullscreen¶
The Fullscreen button (Fig. 5.6) switches ngscopeclient between normal and full-screen mode.
5.2.6 Opacity slider¶
The opacity slider (Fig. 5.7) controls the alpha/opacity used to display intensity-graded waveforms. Higher opacity values lead to better display of sparse waveforms (compare the crisp lines of Fig. ref{sparse-waveform} to the barely visible trace in Fig. 5.9) but can lead to a washed-out appearance if too many sample points are shoved into a small area.
For example, the DVI waveform in Fig. 5.10 looks like a solid white blob with a vaguely visible outline. No fine detail can be observed other than the increased over/undershoot and random-looking edges on the scanlines, compared to the flat appearance of the blanking period between scanlines and at the end of the frame.
When the opacity is reduced in this example, many more nuances of the signal become apparent. The high/low voltage levels of the signal compared to the transitions between them are obvious, and the H/V sync pulses within the blanking period show up as a slightly darker region.
As of this writing, the opacity setting is global for the entire application. Should this be changed to per waveform group? If so, how should the group be selected and should there still be an option to make changes globally?